Jerusalem in my heart! / Live
The General results of International Contest of Art and Creativity
“Jerusalem in my heart “
20.1.2022 Jerusalem,Israel Live participation
Vocal –Instrumental nomination
Middle category
Group “No One Knows Shit” Rishon LeZion - Laureate 2 degree
Punk Rock group “Knoot and Nikkolia” Haifa - Special Prize
Pop vocal nomination solo,ensembles and choirs
Junior category
Ananda Gershon Herzliya – Laureate 3 degree
Eva Asmolov Rishon LeZion - Laureate 3 degree
Yaniv Subbotin Beer Sheva - Laureate 3 degree
Eitan Kim Rishon LeZion - Grand Prix Winner
Middle category
Anna Litachevsky Rishon LeZion - Laureate 1 degree
Nicole Rips Beer Sheva - Laureate 1 degree
Eliya Vorobiov Jerusalem - Laureate 2 degree
Aliza Maidenko Jerusalem - Laureate 2 degree
Ray Sorokin Rishon LeZion - Grand Prix Winner
Elis Kopenkov Rishon LeZion - Grand Prix Winner
Vocal ensemble “Sholem” Beer Sheva - Grand Prix Winner
Adult category
Igor Yakovlev Kiriyat Motzkin - Laureate 2 degree
Gita –Enta Broudy Kiriyat Motzkin - Laureate 1 degree
Choir of Veterans Beer Sheva - Laureate 1 degree
Academic vocal nomination
Adult category
Elena Evtushenko Haifa - Grand Prix Winner
Dance nomination
Junior category
Noya Nadetsky Beer Sheva - Laureate 3 degree
Adult category
Irina Tvardovskaya Jerusalem - Laureate 3 degree
Instrumental nomination
Junior category
Husam Siam Jerusalem - Laureate 1 degree
Adas Mangoubi Jerusalem - Laureate 2 degree
Middle category
Zohar Schurr Jerusalem - Laureate 2 degree
Amitai Klein Rehovot - Laureate 3 degree
Adult category
Yakov Semendyev Hadera - Grand Prix Winner
Theater and poetry,film nominations
Junior category
Adel Adinyaev Rishon LeZion - Laureate 1 degree
Yasha Seifer Rishon LeZion - Grand Prix Winner
Adult category
Olga Suima Kiriyat Yam - Laureate 2 degree
Theater of “Miniatures” Kiriyat Yam - Grand Prix Winner
Motor Gang films Haifa - Grand Prix Winner
Visual art and crafts nomination
Adult category
Galina Logis Netania - Laureate 3 degree (amateur)
Anna Ivanova Bat Yam - Laureate 2 degree
Yury Mikhailov Sderot - Laureate 2 degree
Diana Yanvareva Rishon LeZion - Grand Prix Winner