Декабрь 2022 - Январь 2023

Декабрь 2022 - Январь 2023

General results of “Christmas Jerusalem International Online Contest “

1.12.22-20.1.23 Jerusalem,Israel

Voice nomination

Junior category

Or Gulkarov Israel                 Laureate 2 degree

Marcelina  Dominik Poland    Laureate 2 degree

“Two Wings” Poland                Laureate 2 degree

Blanka Budzioch Poland           Laureate 1  degree


Middle category


Patrycja Drzymalska Poland      Laureate 1  degree

Lena Wcislo Poland                      Laureate 3 degree

Aleksandra Krawczyk Poland     Laureate 3 degree

Eleonora Eliades Guprus            Laureate 1  degree

Weronika Cugowska Poland    Grand Prix Winner


Senior Category
Lara Kerznar Slovenia  Laureate 2 degree

Natalia Gal Poland Laureate 1  degree


Young category

Polina Shildkrot Belarus        Laureate 1  degree


Mixed category

Choir ensemble “Soglasie” Russia Grand Prix Winner


Instrumental nomination

Piano solo

Junior category

Elizaveta Afanasieva Russia      Diploma 1 degree

Lena Pers Poland            Laureate 3 degree

David Melgunov Russia        Laureate 2 degree

Anastasia Shtainert Russia     Laureate 1  degree


Middle category

Elizaveta Drobot Russia   Laureate 1  degree

Lev Timakov Russia   Laureate 1  degree


Senior caregory

Itai Elidan Israel      Laureate 1  degree

Liga Kaminska Latvia    Grand Prix Winner

Adult category

Svetlana Khmelkova Belarus      Laureate 1  degree     


Piano duet

Mixed category

Lilian Martinez and Giuliana Pizani Chile         Laureates 3 degree

Kineret Cohen and Noam Steimertz Israel    Laureate 1  degree   

Naomi Sarid and Uriya Haggai Shimoni Israel     Laureates 2 degree

Michaela Levi and Noam Steimertz    Israel     Laureates 2 degree


Middle category

Ignat Lyskovich Belarus     Laureate 1  degree


Middle category

Vladimir Stromov Russia    Laureates 2 degree


Middle category

Emanuelis Jakelis Lithuania      Laureate 1  degree


Senior caregory

Afina Mavidi Kazakhstan           Laureate 1  degree

Guitar duet

Mixed category

Francisco Vilagran amd Franklin Burgos Chile      Laureates 2 degree


Visual and decorative art

Junior category

Or Gulkarov Israel          Laureate 1  degree


Middle category

Anastasia Shingerei Israel         Laureate 2 degree

Kira Malamud   Israel                 Laureate 1  degree


Senior category

Yurii Zelez Ukraine             Grand Prix Winner

Adult category

Yulia Kurakina Israel        Laureate 2 degree


Decorative Art

Adult category

Vladimir Pi  Russia         Laureate 2 degree